This summer I'm working with some of our most notorious alumni, Jordan F. Fields and Evan Dethier as a field and lab assistant, counting plenty of rocks, shooting more than enough
~ beams, and training my buns off.
Lots of running on the AT, skiing on Route 10, and also coaching the junior ski team around here (Ford Sayre) on Tuesdays.
(also contracting Lyme disease while living in Lyme, NH: christ)
Here's a pic of me shooting lasers
And Jordan rejoicing upon finally recovering one of his accelerometers after a three day digging battle in ice cold water.
Me squattin' in some poison ivy on the White River
Taking a passive tracer survey
The best way to walk a dog:
Evan almost falling in the river (I fell in afterwards)
Joint birthday celebration on the porch
Storm Chasing for turbidity's sake
Jordan's "headphones"
Smarts Mountain!
We've also been travelling around and doing lots of field work at other dam removal sites in Maine, in Burke, VT, and near Amherst, MA.
I've also been gathering as much information as possible about how the Dartmouth ski team operates, their deepest secrets, and what we can do to take them down this coming winter. One of my theories is that their success may lie in the fact that they've got saunas in both the men's and women's locker rooms, while I know this may seem like a big ask for our severely limited budget, I feel that performance is the top priority, and in my humble opinion, a sauna could be our competitive edge over their teams. (yes, the weevils and mice can share)
Hope everyone is having a good end of the summer, my apologies for the very late post :(
God save the queen,
-Sir De LuSaacque