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Monday, August 26, 2024

Summer Adventures in Minnesota and Beyond!

(I had some delays in posting this blog so I'm actually already in Williamstown! But here is the blog I wrote a few days ago 😊)

Hello everyone!! I’m writing this blog from sunny Hanover, NH where I am hanging with my roomie Ann before we move in tomorrow to finish our WOOLF training. But before I traveled back out east, I spent most of my summer in my hometown of St. Paul MN! 

My journey home included a tightly packed minivan and running through the airport to make my flights!

After an eventful journey home, my summer started with many reunions with friends and family! Once I got settled in, I began my summer activities which included working at a small embroidery company called Classy Threads, coaching Minneapolis Ski Club, and skiing with Team Birkie! Not to mention some crazy dogsitting experiences (including caring for 4 dogs and 6 birds at once! I do not recommend this 😭). I was also visited briefly by Ben, who stopped by on his way out to Oregon!

First run with Hanna, Charlie, and Skida; Ben visit; Team Birkie gals

Another summer highlight included a family trip to Ouray, CO where we stayed with my uncle and did some awesome hiking!

This is from a beautiful hike on Red Mountains 1, 2, and 3 (which I discovered Steve has skied in the winter!!)

Hiking in the clouds on Cirque Mountain and a gorgeous view at Blue Lake!

After a brief stint back at home, my family went to northern MN to stay at a lake cabin! I got to try mountain biking for the first time at Cuyuna Mountain Bike Trails which was suuuper scary for me but also really fun. Chip also stopped by with his fancy truck on his way out to Utah, so Charlie and I got to follow him around on the trails. 

A few weekends after that, I drove up north again to visit my grandparents and went up to Grand Marais for the day to hang out with Olya! We rollerskied, explored town, and jumped off the breakwall (to the surprise of puffy coat wearing tourists). 

Near the end of my time at home, I was visited by Chip and Bailey on their way back out east! After some well deserved rest for the two of them, we explored the sights of Minneapolis (including important stops at the sculpture garden, Punch Pizza, and Trader Joes!). 

After seeing them off, my last day at home included a special visit to Minneapolis by Johannes Klaebo. Apparently his experience at the Wirth World Cup was soooo good that he just had to come back. We taught him how to play sharks and minnows, while he taught us some important core exercises and his hair routine. 

The next day, I left Minnesota to return out east. I was picked up by Chip, Bailey, and our cross country friend Henry from the Albany Airport. We stayed at Chip’s house for a night before heading to NH to attempt the Prezi traverse in the White Mountains with Ann, Ben, Sage, and Tzevi! Sadly the weather was not cooperative, and we had to turn back after the first hut. Rain, wind, and cold made the rocks super slippery and it was pretty slow going. Seeing as I never actually got to see the White Mountains due to cloud coverage, I can’t wait to come back and finish the trail!

Great company but less than ideal weather!

That's about it for my summer full of fun adventures! I’m so excited to return to campus tomorrow and can’t wait to see the rest of the team as everyone begins returning to Williamstown :)



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