As my fellow Nordie-Ephs know, our purple ski lockers are potentially one of the top three advantages to being a skier here in land of cows. (others include Driscoll dinner becoming at least 5x more appetizing and just general clout enhancement).
My locker is a place to put everything I ever wanted to store and never had space in my room for--a cubby that holds (perhaps surprisingly) much more than just my ski clothes. Presented for you here is a small sample of the fun items I found whilst digging through the accumulation of a year's worth of stuff.
I have a shelf from Amazon. You've probably heard about it. If you haven' has hooks. And shelves. And is probably the best investment I've ever made.
Toko gloves? Gotta have 'em. The perfect combination of not-too-hot but just enough fabric to wipe that nose drip on.
Cow tape? Get ready for not getting frostbite (and looking dope while doing it!) Only sad cows freeze their skin folks
Safety First.
I promise these aren't from chem lab
Hair? Consider it tied. or Bindered. or whatever you midwesterners call it
Science Rules. Inertia is a Property of Matter.
mmmm iron
yeah...this case isn't even mine (clearly!)
remember folks. Driscoll Corn Chowder Warms the Soul. (but it has soy!)
Thank you for joining me tonight. I wish you all a good sleep.
Signing off, Riiks
p.s. I actually will have a radio show as soon as I can find a name for it so stay tuned