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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Setting Important Goals

As a new member of the women's ski team I have been comparing this team to my team from back home and I have found a very large problem.  A problem so large it is larger than Sarah Becker's back muscles. A problem so large if it had a smell it would smell worse than the van after our 3.5 hour OD's. But no problem is too large to fix when you are a nordic skier at Williams College.

This is the problem: We live in the moment too much.

I guess it's a good thing that we get caught up in the moment while roller skiing through beautiful winding east coast trails BUT I am not able to translate my mental snapshots onto this piece of online paper!

Therefore I vow to start taking more photos and attempting to capture a slice of how beautiful East Coast Fall is.

Here is a not very exciting (we will work on it) video from our double pole workout a bit ago.

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