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Monday, January 4, 2016

Crushed Expectations

We expected big things from MSA this year: rain, some mud, and definitely limited trail openings. Many of us were even optimistic enough that we brought our running shoes. But no, instead we got lots and lots of snow. From day one, the MSA snow globe worked its reliable heart out. The team did not expect seventy-five kilometers of winter-wonderland, but that’s what we got.

Kick waxes of the week included: extra blue. That’s about it. 

Top speed reached: 41 km/hr (recorded by Jordan Fields on trail 21).

Hardest effort goes to Perry Thomas, when he tried to keep up with coach Jay on trail 22. We like to keep our coaches at pinnacle fitness.

Unfortunately for all of you blog-readers, the skiing was so awesome that I never remembered to slow down and take any pictures. Luckily, I have more diligent teammates and coaches, so please see posts below for pictures of snow and skiing.

The evenings were hopping in villas 17 and 23. We ate delicious food (the girls, I grudgingly submit, clinched their victory over the boys with a delicious brinner -- breakfast for dinner -- the last night). And the boys played boardgames for hours on end, the favorites this year being Settlers of Catan and Sheriff of Nottingham. The frosh, it turns out, are wily little devils when it comes to boardgames and cannot be trusted. 

Luke, Jack and Nick playing Settlers. Luke is thinking very hard about his dwindling grain supply, while Jack is laying down some cities.

Watching the Tour de Ski. The boys team currently has an intra-team fantasy Tour competition. Nick Gardner is losing. 

The boys cooking healthy food. Notice the colorful vegetables!

The team skied and skied and skied, then raced, then raced again. Now, back on campus, we’re all looking forward to serious recovery and early bedtimes. 

There's actually a little bit of snow on campus!

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