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Saturday, January 20, 2007


This picture is of Morgan Goodwin, blasting to the finish line for the men's relay team: what a stud!!

On this chilly morning which made the ski tracks soft and slippery as a snotty Kleenex, Alice Nelson woke with the determination of a power ranger. She blasted out of the start like a hat out of a bell, her eyes shooting sparks like a nail gun. Watching Alice come into the exchange zone in the lead pack, her teammates Christina Perron and Fiona Worcester knew that they would have to step it up and join in the fight, like the two musketeers did for the third musketeer. By the end of their second laps, the team was in the lead group of six teams, gapping the rest of the field as long as the distance between gate A4 and gate E25 in the Detroit International airport.
On her third and final lap, Alice charged past the fourth place Middlebury team and tagged off in third place to Christina. Christina double poled out of the start like a warrior ant on the charge to lead the army toward an unsuspecting caterpillar. And it was a good thing she did, because standing at the top of the first steep uphill was the entire Dartmouth men's team, chanting her name the way a crowd roars at a gladiator for a kill. Flustered, Christina tripped and fell flat, the way the next-to-last Twister player falls after not being able to hold the twisted position for one second longer than their remaining competitor. But, quick as a bat, Christina sprang up and sprinted toward the stadium, finishing her final lap and tagging off to anchorwoman Fiona still in a 3rd place that was as solid as the pavement on a warm July afternoon. But Fiona wasn’t going to give up the width of a melting snowflake – she bolted out of the gate and sizzled down the tracks the way a wax iron does when it falls off the bench and into the snow. Faster than instant mashed potatoes she came ‘round the bend toward the finish line, still ahead of Middlebury and crossing the line in a third as solid as crazy glue 24 hours after it is applied.
Soon after, William’s second relay team consisting of Liz Kantack, Emily Olsen, and Katie Craig crossed the line to finish off a victory sweet as Bud’s birthday Baked Alaska.
The team was happy as clams that haven’t been harvested for consumption in an Olive Garden ‘Pasta with red clam sauce' dish and are instead living happily in the ocean.
This ended a weekend of good skiing on snow as real as Bud’s stories are not, and the drive home was a happy, if not quiet, one. :)
To get results of the sprint race for men and women visit:

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