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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Exploring the Natural Habitat of Bensonus Hannahi

Last week, Sonya and I got to visit our teammate and former captain Hannah Benson (graduated in 2017) in the little French town where she is currently living, La Chapelle en Vercors. It is about an hour outside of Grenoble on top of one of the huge plateaus that are the lead-ups to the Alps and the town is basically the Jackson, NH of France.

Benson! In France!

Benson's town (spot the Mission-esque building where Hannah lives and teaches)

Hannah led us on some pretty cool (literally and figuratively) hikes in the mountains around her town.

A little New England weather greeted us at the top of this ridge

Sonya and I made our way up to a snowy access road (with our baguette, of course)
Two happy girls and their bread
Hannah led us on what we jokingly termed the Chapelle's equivalent of Pine Cobble but when we looked at the stats of the run on my watch, they were actually shockingly similar:

Stats and elevation profile of Pine Cobble

Stats and elevation profile of the run in the Chapelle

Then we went down to spend a couple of nights in Grenoble, the gateway city to the Alps.

Best picnic spot ever!
Hannah and a nice block of cheese

After a wonderful week with the one and only Benson, Sonya and I headed to spend a few days in Paris before coming back to the US of A.

Sonya and our other main companion of the trip, the sausage, riding the train to Paris 

Preview of our time in Paris: Sonya and I immerse ourselves in a culture of high fashion

Big thanks to Benson for being our host and tour guide for the week and for choosing a cool place to live!

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