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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Summer in Suburbia

Ah summer in suburbia. The twinkle of the ice cream truck. The smell of fresh cut grass. Tooling around on your bike with the other townies. Hitting Cumby's for a Chill Zone. The good life, am I right?

After a brief interruption in my usual summer programming, I'm back to the repeat life, living at what will quite soon be an empty nest (lil' bro Henry heads off to college in two days!! They grow up so fast...) The rest of my internship went well, but flew by faster than I expected. While still in Boston I got to spend some quality time with ski alums (@thetanrussian) and finally learned my way around the city. But after one too many Littleton roller skis (CSU peeps know what I'm talkin' bout), I was glad to return to the Becker homestead and get my summer vacay on [cue this on repeat].

Run views. Bonus points if you know where this is @lucy @braden
Tbh, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how my poor family managed to survive this summer without me. I mean, now that I'm home, my dad (aka Patagucci Paul) finally has a partner in crime to tag team Patagonia outlet sales, and someone is around to eat mow down our garden. True story though, my mom thought something was wrong with our tomato plants because every time she went out to our garden there were no tomatoes. She came to me all upset, and I as the tomato thief, had to sheepishly explain that no her plants were in fact fine, I was just going out to the garden and eating all the ripe tomatoes. Everyday. Oops, sorry mom.

"More than a hustler, I'm the definition of it / Master chef, lord of the kitchen cupboard.": kale salad with roasted purple potatoes, sungold and big beauty tomatoes, and eggies. Plus a mason jar. Cuz I'm so hip and cultured. 

While I'm still flying solo for a lot of my training, it's been fun to get out and explore some new[ish] turf. Ran a new loop this morning and check out what I found!

Easy week means stops for blackberries
After doing mostly running in Boston, I've loved getting back on my road bike. And back to roller skiing. Duh.
Typical Becker wall decor (hard week motivation)

After a big week of training last week, I'm looking forward to some down time, and am planning to spend this week catching up with friends, eating my weight in watermelon, and attempting to correct my tan:freckle ratio. I'm also going on a tasting tour of Portland's new kombucha brewery! Gotta balance out all that DD iced coffee somehow. 

Rest day chillin'

Hope everyone is doing well. Sending big love to you all! 



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